🌸 高端醫療美容診所誠聘美容師


需講流利英文,需報稅,辦事認真負責,學習能力強!有經驗者優先,無經驗者可接受專業訓練。 兼職或全職(每週4天)低薪加小費$300~$400/天,另外還有提成和紅利(commission & bonus)。
有意者請發短信聯繫Anna: (212)-433-2555。

High end med spa located at 32nd Street Manhattan, We are hiring laser technicians, must speak fluent English, be able to file tax, responsible and are able to work in fast pace environment.
Part time or Full time(4 days/week), wage and tips around $300~$400/day. Additional commissions & bonus will depend ablesable .
The job training is required, please contact Anna by text if you are interested in this position: (212)-433-2555。